CocoaPods is the dependency manager for Objective-C projects. It has thousands of libraries and can help you scale your projects elegantly. Ultimately, its goal is to improve discoverability of, and engagement in, third party open-source libraries, by creating a more centralized ecosystem.

Posted by chris on: 2019-05-13, Category: CocoaPods

CocoaPods is the most popular dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C Cocoa projects, but chances are, you already knew that if you’re here, wanting to publish your own CocoaPod to be used by others in their own projects.

Cocoaods在iOS开发者中使用非常广泛,类似maven,是用来管理三方库的一个工具,项目用Cocoapods来管理省去了很多事,Cocoapods不仅可以用来管理三方库,也可以自己搭建一个仓库给自己的项目使用,可以是私有库也可以是公有库,可以原码依赖,也可以是二进制文件依赖,原码依赖常见的都是Open Source Library,Github上的很多开源库,比如AFNetworking等,如果提供商业的SDK一般不会用原码,基本都是二进制库(Binary),今天就来说说如何用Cocoapods发布一个Binary iOS Framework.

Publish a Binary iOS Framework in Swift using CocoaPods

CocoaPods is the most popular dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C Cocoa projects, but chances are, you already knew that if you’re here, wanting to publish your own CocoaPod to be used by others in their own projects.

Cocoaods在iOS开发者中使用非常广泛,类似maven,是用来管理三方库的一个工具,项目用Cocoapods来管理省去了很多事,Cocoapods不仅可以用来管理三方库,也可以自己搭建一个仓库给自己的项目使用,可以是私有库也可以是公有库,可以原码依赖,也可以是二进制文件依赖,原码依赖常见的都是Open Source Library,Github上的很多开源库,比如AFNetworking等,如果提供商业的SDK一般不会用原码,基本都是二进制库(Binary),今天就来说说如何用Cocoapods发布一个Binary iOS Framework.